Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Global Impact Celebration

Tonight we begin our Global Impact Celebration. We have a great opportunity to hear how the Gospel is moving from missionaries who are serving all throughout the world. Let me take just a minute to remind you of our schedule and to encourage you to be a part of as much as you possibly can.

Wednesday, April 16
9:00 am Women of the Word and International Ministries Fellowship
10:00 am Calvary Baptist Day School Chapel (Worship Center)
5:00 pm Fellowship Meal with the Field Workers (Dining Room)
Bring your family to dinner and eat with a missionary!
6:30 pm Global Impact Celebration Kickoff (Worship Center)
Meet our field workers and join in on our missionary fair in the lobby!

Thursday, April 17
10:30 am Senior Adult Fellowship and Luncheon (Dining Room)

Calvary Baptist Day School Classroom Visits

Friday, April 18
6:45 am Men's Breakfast (Dining Room) .
Tickets ($5) available at Church Offices or on Sundays in the lobby.

Evening: Home Fellowship with Bible Fellowship Classes

Saturday, April 19
10:00 am Women's Brunch (Dining Room)
Tickets ($5) available at Church Offices or on Sundays in the lobby.

Evening: Home Fellowship with Bible Fellowship Classes

Sunday, April 20
8:15, 9:30 11:00 am
Bible Fellowship Class Events
Celebration Morning Worship (Worship Center)
Combined Elevate and Blended Services
11:00 am Lunch served by NC Baptist Men (Athletic Fields)
5:30 pm Persecuted Church Emphasis (Worship Center)

Let's be in prayer for what God is going to do in the life of our church in these next days.


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