Monday, July 14, 2008

Would our community miss us?...

Today I had the opportunity, along with Al and Guy, to visit several of the Mission Winston-Salem projects where our membership are sharing the love of Christ in our community. Needless to say it was pretty incredible. I had a friend ask his church "If we were no longer here would our community miss us?" My prayer is that we will serve our community in such a way that people will take notice and realize that we treasure Jesus more than anything else in the world.

Let me give you an example of some of the incredible things that are taking place today. I got this email from a Captain in our Fire Department. The email read:

"I am the Captain at Engine 15 on Shattalon Dr. A group from your church came by with cookies and stuffed animals for kids affected by fires or other incidents. We gave the kids and the moms a tour and they prayed with us. I wish to thank you for this kind service. We do not get much help with things like the animals which I have seen can be a great help for a young person when they have lost all their things or a parent. We here at Engine 15 thank you for this and all your church does for the community."

May God receive all the glory!

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