Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Christian and Freedom

Ok, I have been totally blown away by Tim Keller's book The Reason for God. I believe that it is a must read for every person. It is thought provoking, God honoring, and seems to be written with great humility and passion for the Gospel.

I was reading the third chapter again this morning, in which Keller talks about what it really means to be "free." Let me share with you some of his thoughts. He shares that within our culture freedom is often defined as "the absence of limitations and contraints." But is that really freedom? The answer is NO!

He says, "Freedom, then, is not the absence of limitations and contraints but it is finding the right ones, those that fit our nature and liberate us." Keller gives a couple of illustrations of how "limitations and constraints" actually lead to freedom. For example, Keller writes, "If you have musical aptitude, you may give yourself to practice, practice, practice the piano for years. This is a restriction, a limit on your freedom. There are many other things you won't be able to do with the time you invest in practiciing. If you have the talent, however, the discipline and limitation will unleash your ability that would otherwise go untapped. What have you done? You've deliberatly lost your freedom to engage in some things in order to release yourself to a richer kind of freedom to accomplish other things."

Therefore we must ask ourselves, "What is the environment that liberates us if we confine ourselves to it, like water liberates a fish?" The answer that Keller suggests is LOVE! And he is absolutely right!

Keller writes, "One of the principles of love--either love for a friend or romantic love--is that you have to lose independence to attain greater intimacy. If you want "freedoms" of love--the fulfillment, security, sense of worth that it brings--you must limit your freedom in many ways. You cannot enter a deep relationship and still make unilateral decisions or allow your friend or lover no say in how you live your life. To experience the joy and freedom of love, you must give up your personal autonomy."

Let me share this last quote to wrap this up.
"When you fall deeply in love, you want to please the beloved. You don't wait for the person to ask you to do something for her. You eagerly research and learn every little thing that brings her pleasure. then you get it for her, even if it costs you money or great inconvenience. "Your wish is my command," you feel--and it doesn't feel oppressive at all. From the outside, bemused friends may think, "She's leading him around by the nose," but from the inside it feels like heaven.

For a Christian, it's the same with Jesus. The love of Christ constrains. Once you realize how Jesus changed for you and gave himself for you, you aren't afraid of giving up your freedom and therefore finding your freedom in him."

How does this hit you? How does this shape the way that you think about "freedom?" How does this impact the way you live your life?


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Global Impact Celebration: We are off to a great start!

Last night we began our Global Impact Celebration with an incredible night of worship as we welcomed the field workers from all over the world.

  • Richard B. shared how God is using the North Carolina Baptist Relief Organization to dig wells in India and how they are using this platform as an opportunity for the Gospel. You may not know that the family of Hal Newell made an incredibly generous contribution towards this effort in Hal's honor. Hal was passionate about the nation of India and went on several short term mission trips. Hal passed away last fall after battling cancer.
  • We heard an incredible testimony from our friends at Conexion 10/40 about two Cuban nationals that we are sending to the 10/40 window. Conexion 10/40 is a ministry that is partnering Latinos with those seeking to take the Gospel to those that live in teh 10/40 window.
  • We also heard an incredible testimony from Mike about how God is using several churches around the country to minister to over 300,000 Arab Muslims living near Detroit, Michigan. This has been a wonderful opportunity for the Gospel amongst Muslims right here in the United States.

This is just the beginning. Keep praying about how God might use you! Pray that God would use this opportunity to interact with field workers to challenge us to see the need like we never have before! Pray that God would raise up those who would give their lives to full time missions!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Global Impact Celebration

Tonight we begin our Global Impact Celebration. We have a great opportunity to hear how the Gospel is moving from missionaries who are serving all throughout the world. Let me take just a minute to remind you of our schedule and to encourage you to be a part of as much as you possibly can.

Wednesday, April 16
9:00 am Women of the Word and International Ministries Fellowship
10:00 am Calvary Baptist Day School Chapel (Worship Center)
5:00 pm Fellowship Meal with the Field Workers (Dining Room)
Bring your family to dinner and eat with a missionary!
6:30 pm Global Impact Celebration Kickoff (Worship Center)
Meet our field workers and join in on our missionary fair in the lobby!

Thursday, April 17
10:30 am Senior Adult Fellowship and Luncheon (Dining Room)

Calvary Baptist Day School Classroom Visits

Friday, April 18
6:45 am Men's Breakfast (Dining Room) .
Tickets ($5) available at Church Offices or on Sundays in the lobby.

Evening: Home Fellowship with Bible Fellowship Classes

Saturday, April 19
10:00 am Women's Brunch (Dining Room)
Tickets ($5) available at Church Offices or on Sundays in the lobby.

Evening: Home Fellowship with Bible Fellowship Classes

Sunday, April 20
8:15, 9:30 11:00 am
Bible Fellowship Class Events
Celebration Morning Worship (Worship Center)
Combined Elevate and Blended Services
11:00 am Lunch served by NC Baptist Men (Athletic Fields)
5:30 pm Persecuted Church Emphasis (Worship Center)

Let's be in prayer for what God is going to do in the life of our church in these next days.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Can I tell you a secret?

I’m wondering who’s reading this blog. So, here’s a little secret for all you of have found this site. Monday (04/07) is KK’s birthday.

Sunday night—we’re slipping out of town for a couple of days (her love language is “quality time”). Anyway, if you read this....find her on Sunday or Wed and tell her:

“Happy Birthday! Pastor Al wrote about your birthday on the blog!”

That way, I’ll know that you are really out there…and somebody is reading what we write!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Last night I stopped by the choir room and spent a few minutes listening at the beginning of their weekly rehearsal...they were preparing some of the music for the upcoming Global Impact Celebration. My heart soared and I was moved to pray even more for our church…

There is quite a sense of anticipation as we pray for the 30+ missionaries who will be with us for five days, sharing their lives and the stories of how God is working in other parts of the world.

I’d like to challenge you to join with us as we pray. Pray that God will open our eyes and help us to see what Jesus sees. He saw the crowds and…

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Matt. 9:37-38)